Here are all the different functions, flags and values that are available for Advanced paintbars and scans.
Including External Code |
#include |
This allows you to include code from an external file (specified following the #include). |
Data Management |
SetDaysNeeded(int NumDays) |
This is important for scans, not paintbars. Scans usually determine how much data they have to load to perform the scan based on the indicators used. Sometimes that is insufficient. For example, you may want to have EMA as accurate as possible, and EMAs, due to their nature, require much more data than their period to be accurate. |
Candle and Color/Shape Values |
CandleSizeInSec - int
Timestamp - DateTime
CurrentCandle - struct
CandleNumber - int
IsLastCandle - Boolean |
CandleSizeInSec - is only valid for Intraday time-based calculations. Returns the candle size for the current calculation
The values for the candle for which the calculation is performed. These can be indexed, so Close[1] means the close value of the previous candle, and Open[3] means the open value of 3 candles back.
The Timestamp (and all other DateTime values in paintbar calculations) is always UTC. Can also be indexed like Open, High Low etc.
CurrentCandle also contains all the information about the current candle (but cannot be indexed). CandleNumber is the sequential number of the current candle. Is useful if you want to check if the candle being ➢worked on has changed or to use as the X coordinate in the SetLine function |
PBarColor - Color
PBarShape - PBShape
PBarValue - double |
Each candle, if one of the Color/Shape functions is called on it, is assigned a color and shape for the paintbar. The PBarColor and PBarShape values refer to those. They are also indexed, like the Candle Values, so PBarShape[2] would refer to the paintbar shape 2 candles ago.
So you can do something like this: ....
PBarValue is the value that was previously set by SetYValue. |
Plotting the Paintbar Result |
SetYValue(double YValue)
SetYValue(double YValue1, double YValue2)
Sometimes you want to plot the paintbar as a curve/line instead of just shapes. This function allows you to do it. The YValue is the position of the shape on the chart, and it will plot lines between adjacent shapes. Color still needs to be set for the lines.
NOTE: this function HAS to be called after SetColor or SetColorAndShape. It cannot be called by itself without calling one of those functions first!
NOTE: if you set the value in this function to YSkipValue then the drawing of the line/curve will stop at that point and only resume when another SetYValue is called with a value that is not YSkipValue. |
Trading Account Information |
Trade Bead Values from Chart |
TradeBead(int BeadNumber) |
The trade bead value from the chart (can only be used in Paintbars) |
Parameter FunctionsSee Custom Parameters |
DefinePaintbarParameter(String ParameterID, string ParameterDescription = null, Boolean IsInteger = false, Double Minimum = 0, Double Maximum = 100, Double Increment = 1, Double Default = 1) |
Defines a paintbar parameter that a user can set. This value can be retrieved with a GetPaintbarParameter function.
ParameterID - string identifying the parameter (to be used to retrieve it) ParameterDescription - description of the parameter (for example, "Period") IsInteger - true/false Minimum - minimum possible value for the parameter Maximum - maximum possible value foe the parameter Increment - for the up/down arrows in the parameter editor field Default - the parameter's default value |
Double GetPaintbarParameter(String ParameterID) |
ParameterID - string identifying the parameter (see DefinePaintbarParemeter above) |
Inter-Paintbar Communication |
void SetInterVar(string name, double value, Boolean Global = false) |
Set a an inter-paintbar variable name to value. Can be retrieved in a different paintbar or scan by using the GetInterVar function. |
double GetInterVar(string name, Boolean Global = false) |
Get a previously set inter-paintbar variable name. If the value has not been set yet, will return Double.MinValue or "" for a string. |
void SetChartVar(string name, double value) |
Like the SetInterVar but this var would be local to the current Chart (and only Chart) that the paintbar is being run on.
NOTE: this var, once set, can be used in Hotkeys using the chartvar() function. |
double GetChartVar(string name) |
The Get for the SetInterVar |
Color/Shape FunctionsNOTE: all the SetColor functions may have an optional first int resultnum parameter. This parameter is used for: 2. Cloud paintbar - specifying the colors of the lines and fill of the cloud. |
SetColor(Color color)
SetColor(SysColor syscolor)
SetColor(int intcolorRGB) |
Sets the output color to this absolute color. Does not allow the user of the paintbar to change the color in the paintbar instance parameters.
The SysColor refers to the MT's chart color scheme colors. intcolorRGB is the standard RGB representation of colors. For example, Color.Red is same as 0xFF0000. |
SetColor(String NamedColor, SysColor DefaultColor = SysColor.None)
SetColor(String NamedColor, Color DefaultColor = default(Color))
SetColor(String NamedColor, uint DefaultColorRGB = 0) |
Sets the output color to a "named color". The name of the color will appear in the paintbar's instance parameters and user of the paintbar will be able to set it.
NOTE: The NamedColor has to be a literal string (not a variable) at least once in the code of the paintbar in order to appear in the paintbar's instance parameters. |
SetShape(PBShape Shape) |
Simply - set the shape. Set it to PBShape.Default to allow the user of the paintbar to set the desired shape in the paintbar's instance parameters. |
SetColorAndShape... |
Like SetColor, but also sets the shape. |
GetNamedColor(String NamedColor) |
Returns the color assigned to a "named color". |
Line-drawing Functions |
SetLine(double ID, Color color, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width = 1, string text = null, LineTextPosition textposition = LineTextPosition.RightAbove, double fontMult = 1) Color color, DateTime T1, double y1, DateTime T2, double y2, int width = 1, string text = null, LineTextPosition textposition = LineTextPosition.RightAbove, double fontMult = 1) |
x1, x2 - these are the X coordinates of the line's 2 anchors points. The units for these are Candle Numbers. Usually the paintbar would use the CandleNumber of the current candle to set these. These don't have to be integers - you can do CandleNumber - 2.5 to place the anchor 2.5 candles before the current one, for example. Use some high number - like 100000 - to place an anchor all the way on the right of the chart. y1, y2 - these are the Y (price) coordinates of the line's 2 anchor points
text - an optional text to be shown on the line
textposition - where on the line the text needs to be shown
fontmult - the size multiplier for the text, compared to regular chart fonts that are used for things like axis ticks.
NOTE: you can use the SetLine function to just place text on the chart - to do that, just place a line of 0 width (set both x1 and x2 to the same value) with Text on the chart |
RemoveLine(double ID) |
Removes the line if it was previously set with SetLine |
RemoveAllLines() |
Alert FunctionsSee Paintbar Alerts |
TriggerAlert() |
Triggers the alert. Since no name is specified, this will show up in the Paintbar Parameters Editor as "Alert". |
TriggerAlert(String AlertName) |
Triggers the alert. Specifies the name of the alert. |
TriggerAlert(String AlertName, String Message) |
Triggers the alert, specifies alert's name, passes a message to the alert that may be displayed in the alert notification. |
Scan Result FunctionsSee Scanning |
ClearScanResult() |
clears the scan result if it was set |
IsScan |
true if the code is running as part of a scan, false if is running as a paintbar |
Double ScanResult |
allows you to access the previously set ScanResult - both the numeric and string - for the current run of the scan |
SetScanResult(Boolean value = true) |
Sets the scan result for the current iteration of the scan. Can set it to Boolean, Double or String value
NOTE: you may have several results from one scan (they will show in separate columns). To do that, you specify the column number (0-based) as the first parameter in the SetScanResult. For example: SetScanResult(2, true);
NOTE: when you specify multiple scan results, the column number HAS to be a literal number. It cannot be a variable. |
SetScanResultColumnName(String sName)
SetScanResultColumnName(int colnum, String sName) |
Sets the caption for the scan result column in the portfolio. |
Flags |
IsLastCandle |
true if current candle is the last one on the chart. For example, since scans are only meaningful for the last candle in the current data set for the symbol, sometimes it is useful to check the IsLastCandle and not do any calculations if it is false, to speed up the scan initialization. |
IsNewCandle |
true if current candle is a new one - that is, the current tick is the first tick in the candle. |
IsNewDay |
true if new trading day (compare this to IsNewSession) - that is, the current tick is the first tick in the new trading day (that includes premarket if it is shown on the chart) |
IsNewSession |
true if new trading session (compare this to IsNewDay) - that is, the current tick is the first tick in the new trading session (that does not include premarket) |
IsColorSetForCandle |
true if paintbar color is set already for the current candle. |
IsHidden |
true if the paintbar is hidden on the chart. Also is set to true If this is a scan, not a paintbar. |
IsOnHistoricalChart |
true if current scan/paintbar is running on a historical chart |
IsOnIntradayChart |
true if current scan/paintbar is running on an intraday chart |
IsScan |
true if the code is running as part of a scan, false if is running as a paintbar |
IsScanTriggered |
true if the there is a scan triggered on the current candle |
Candle Patterns |
CandlePattern |
This object provides functions to detect Candle Patterns. See Candle Patterns in Advanced Paintbars for more information. |
Timestamps and Session InformationSee Timestamp and Trading Session |
Timestamp |
The Date/Time of the current candle's timestamp |
TradingSessionInfo GetTradingSessionInfo(DateTime timestamp) |
Gets the struct that holds the information about the trading session that includes the timestamp. Usually is called with the candle's Timestamp.
See Timestamp and Trading Session for more information. |
TradingDay |
The info about the current candle's trading day - session start/end, day start/end etc.
The info about the current trading day - that is, the trading day based on your computer's current time.
CurrentDailyHigh CurrentPrevClose |
The values for the daily high and low and previous day's close for the session that is current for the current candle. Note that the session's high and low is updated for subsequent candles as the paintbar progresses. The CurrentDailyHigh and CurrentDailyHigh are correct at the Timestamp of the candle. |
Looping FunctionsSee Looping Functions |
All(Candle Range, Boolean Expression) Any(Candle Range, Boolean Expression) Count(Candle Range, Boolean Expression) Min(Candle Range, Numeric Expression) Max(Candle Range, Numeric Expression) Sum(Candle Range, Numeric Expression) Average(Candle Range, Numeric Expression) Slope(Candle Range, Numeric Expression) |
These functions allow you to do some candle-range calculations or conditionals without having to write loops.
See Advanced - Looping Functions for more information. |
Debugging |
Will write out a string to a general log file. You can monitor the log file using Microsoft's DebugView utility - see |