Once the scan is applied to the portfolio, the scan results can be shown.
NOTE: each scan may have several results. If you would like to have more than one scan result in a scan, you'd have to use the SetScanResult function that would include the scan result number (0-based).
SetScanResult("Got One"); this would trigger the first scan result and show it in the first scan result column.
SetScanResult(1, "Got One"); this would trigger the second scan result and show it in the second scan result column
... 2, 3, etc.
NOTE: you may specify the column caption for the particular scan result. You use the SetScanResultColumnName function to do that.
NOTE: when you specify multiple scan results, the column number HAS to be a literal number. It cannot be a variable.
SetScanResultColumnName(2, "MyScan"); this would show MyScan caption on the 3rd (remember, 0-based) scan result column.
There are two columns that you can choose to place on the portfolio - Scan and Scan Date/Time. These two columns will reflect the current state of the scan for the symbol.
The Scan column will show the color, value and/or the message that the scan passes when triggered.
The Scan Date/Time column will show the time the currently showing triggered scan was first triggered.
The Filter setting on the Scanner tab controls whether the rows/symbols for which the scan is not triggered show in the portfolio. If you turn Filter on, only the scan-triggered rows will show.