FIXED - ACCOUNT VIEW/POSITIONS - if open transactions are shown and data updates while scrolled down, the scroll position got reset
FIXED - ALERT LOG WINDOW - numeric formats got messed up after changing color sets
FIXED - CHART - Odd lot handling on secondary series (compare to symbol for example)
FIXED - CHART TRADING - Pegging of the trade capsule was not working right on secondary legs of conditional orders
FIXED - CHART TRADING - STOP LIMIT Orders - if you move mouse off the chart between the first and 2nd click when placing the order, the order gets messed up and get an error when sending.
FIXED - CHART TRADING - Update trading capsules when order is sent but result messages are received out of order
FIXED - HALT ALERTS - Duplicate when reconnecting
FIXED - HOTKEYS/TRADE TICKET - Route Specific ACTION would not work
FIXED - NEWS WINDOW - Fidelity News did not look right with BLACK theme
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - FIDELITY - PREV CLOSE not read in correctly in some situations
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - HITBTC - Hist Backfill was not working correctly
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - OPTION CHAIN requests were not properly handled, resulting in failed or not returned requests in some situations
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - Symbol lookup issues
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - error handling for a canceled order that was already canceled
FIXED - APP SHTUDOWN - would refuse to shut down insome situations
FIXED - CHARTS - If Trade Beads are on and overlapping the Y axis, dragging the Y axis dropped a new bead
FIXED - DOM - Level I quotes getting stuck.
FIXED - DOM - Requesting too much tick backfill data (need 1 day, not 2)
FIXED - HOTKEYS - Cancel All Buys or All Buy Stops, etc, would not work on DOM and Charts
FIXED - PORTFOLIO EDIT - hitting ENTER when entering symbol caused a system Ding sound
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - BINANCE - error on BACKFILL with bad symbols
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - DXFEED - Tick backfill broke with very large data sets.
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - @CAD symbol defaulting for the multiplier
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - IQFEED - NEWS - Properly handling some news categories
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - SCHWAB - Conditional order handling - cancels, updates
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - SCHWAB - FX symbols not getting quotes or updates in some situations
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - SCHWAB - Made it fault on "Bad Gateway" error
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - SCHWAB - Preferred stocks did not get quote updates
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - SCHWAB - Transaction updates were happening too frequently, not waiting for previous one to finish, resulting in overload that could impact the entire system
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - TRADESTATION - Order not getting updated sometimes after initial placement
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - TRADIER - situation where transaction update would stop working
ADDED - SITE CONFIG - CHARLES SCHWAB integration for both data and trading. NOTE: LIMITED - some stuff not working, like OPTIONS & LEVEL II for now. Will be enabled once Schwab fixes issue on their end.
ADDED - APP - SETTINGS - Show Decimals on Totals
ADDED - CHARTS - Keyboard Shortcut options for various drawing tools
ADDED - API/IB - OrderRef field can be included in new orders placed via API to IB and will be returned via API in transactions
ADDED - APP - Option to turn off Symbol Lookup Auto complete
ADDED - DOM - now allows using Level I only sites
ADDED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - Proper handling of multileg options on transactions
CHANGED - GSM QUOTES - FXQUOTE - internal tag used to request
FIXED - ACCOUNT VIEW - Filter Linked Symbol caused other non-symbol filtering to be ignored
FIXED - ALERTS - Moving Up/Down alert caused heavy CPU usage if the main value (how much to move up/down) was left as 0
FIXED - APP SHUTDOWN - Sometimes took extensive time if data consolidation was occurring at the same time
FIXED - CHARTS - 0 volume ticks were still causing candles to show even with Show Odd lots option turned off
FIXED - CHARTS - Trading tick increment was restricted to 3 decimals in some situations where should have been 4
FIXED - DETAILED QUOTE - FLOAT SHARES stored back into symbol so will show on quotes after viewing detailed
FIXED - DETAILED QUOTE - Summary data was not showing
FIXED - DETAILED QUOTES - Fundamental data was not always accurate
FIXED - DOM - 0.01 not shown as a valid price on low priced options
FIXED - FREE VERSION RESTRICTION PROMPT - Caused critical error if occurred on startup
FIXED - HOTKEYS - ACCOUNT VIEW - some things were not working when referencing quotes
FIXED - HOTKEYS - GLOBAL VARS - re-ordering did not trigger "changed" so could not apply
FIXED - HOTKEYS - Made it show possible errors when variables that are only available for some windows are used on hotkeys available for multiple window types
FIXED - LEVEL II - HOTKEYS - hovering over order and hitting hotkey for ChangeOrder did not work in some situations with multiple open orders
FIXED - LEVEL II - LULD was still backfilling and computing locally even though data was coming from datafeed
FIXED - OPTION CHAIN - Column resizing messed up in some situations
FIXED - OPTION CHAIN - Filter out expired dates
FIXED - PAINTBARS/SCANS - Screwed up switching to Advanced in some situations
FIXED - QUOTE GRID - window lockup in rare situations
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - DXFEED - Internal fixes with Level II
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - Quotes would not work on some symbols on positions first time Account View was brought up
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - Updated default exchanges for various Crypto futures (BRR, ETHUSDRR, MBT)
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - QUESTRADE - Quotes messed up - subscription changes were one instance behind
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - TRADESTATION - OPEN/CLOSE on Option positions was not read in correctly
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - TRADESTATION - Orders placed on charts would fail sometimes.
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - TWITTER - Disabled for now
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - Adjusted Re-Login logic
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - Balances - account net change for the day
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - FILL DATE not read in correctly
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - WEBULL - Made it retrieve old Open orders
FIXED - TRADE TICKET - Changing ROUTE reset the LIMIT price on stop orders
FIXED - TRADE TICKET - Pegged Price continued to update the order while confirmation window up, resulting in order sent being different than what was confirmed
FIXED - TRADE TICKET - Symbol Type tabs messed up in some situations when trade ticket brought up before the account was logged in
FIXED - TRADE TICKET - errors sometimes shown in multiple tooltips
ADDED - CHARTS - PAINTBARS - being able to access Trade Bead data
ADDED - HOTKEYS - Account Value
ADDED - HOTKEYS - CHANGE ORDER - OrderIsBuy and OrderIsSell variables.
ADDED - HOTKEYS - ChangeOrder - Ability to modify special instructions and TIF/TIF Date and reference CurrentSpInst and CurrentTIF
ADDED - HOTKEYS - RouteCylcle action for custom grouping for switching routing on trade tickets
ADDED - KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS - Next/Previous Level II window
ADDED - LEVEL II - Option to Hide NYSE during extended hours (and shortcut)
ADDED - LEVEL II - Option to show position data in Level I area, if trading is enabled
ADDED - LEVEL II - SHOW/HIDE Trade Ticket button, and AUTO HIDE for the trade ticket (after order)
ADDED - LEVEL II - Shortcut for changing order type now drops down the order type combo box and then if hit again, changes to next value
ADDED - LEVEL II - Show 1 row with Level I BID/ASK if no Level II data
ADDED - OPTION CHAIN WINDOW - Real-time update of the underlying price for "In The Money" related computation and display
ADDED - PAINTBARS/SCANS - Ability to reference other symbol data. NOTE: Calculations are only triggered by primary symbol's changes, not secondary ones
ADDED - CHARTS - Implemented Negative Volume Index (NVI) Indicator
ADDED - CHARTS - Implemented Vortex Index Indicator
ADDED - DOM TRADING - Show Routing option to allow selecting routing on a trade (when supported by broker)
ADDED - HELP - Documented Trade Beads
ADDED - HOTKEY EDITOR - Import/Export options (works for GLOBALS as well)
ADDED - HOTKEYS - ActiveSection field - setting it to false explicitly or with a formula will make that section get skipped
ADDED - KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS - Added Minimize All Windows
ADDED - LEVEL II - New color sets - Light Blue and Beige
ADDED - PAINTBARS/SCANS - added ability to reference Delta, Theta, TimeValue, Volatility, InOutOfMoney and SpreadPT
ADDED - PORTFOLIOS - Bid/Ask Exchange columns
ADDED - PORTFOLIOS - Time Value % column
ADDED - PORTFOLIOS - VWAP Column (if supported by datafeed)
ADDED - SITE CONFIG - Angel Broking (Indian broker) for market data. Trading to be added in the future
UPDATED - CHARTS - HOTKEYS - Handling for updating orders
UPDATED - FILL ALERTS - Option to alert on any fill, only Buys, or only Sells. Separate color and sound options for buys and sells.
UPDATED - HOLIDAYS - Indian Markets
UPDATED - RITHMIC - Updated to latest API
FIXED - ALERTS - High/Low and TradeSize - if multiple alerts triggered at the same time, made sure the log date/time is not recorded as being exact same
FIXED - ALERTS - Volume alerts caused error in some situations
FIXED - CHART - COMPARE TO SYMBOL symbol entry should be all upper case, or it causes various problems
FIXED - CHART TRADING - BUY AT ASK and SELL AT BID did not work correctly with conditional orders
FIXED - CHART TRADING - Changing QTY on multi-leg conditional orders sometimes did not save the new QTY
FIXED - CHART TRADING - Secondary legs in conditional orders sometimes did not sync TIF and Special Instructions
FIXED - CHARTS - CME Globex timeframe was not handled correctly at DST
FIXED - CHARTS - Inverting Chart messed up some horizontal line values
FIXED - CHARTS - Pivot Point Parameter Editor had some errors
FIXED - CHARTS - Risk/Reward - increased max quantity
FIXED - CHARTS - TRADE FILLS not showing in some situations with conditional orders
FIXED - CHARTS - TRADING - Hotkey order did not get updated visually in some situations
FIXED - CHARTS - TRADING - double click to edit a trade capsule did not work in some situations
FIXED - CHARTS - Trendline Alerts were being updated when opening chart (with multiple charts opening). Should not happen
FIXED - CHARTS - fixed delay when switching symbols on many linked charts
FIXED - CHARTS - if chart is changed, then alert trendlines that no longer apply to the chart are hidden
FIXED - CHECK FOR UPDATES - Caused error in some situations where file folder for temp files did not have proper permissions
FIXED - EXPORT/BACKUP - should be much faster
FIXED - HOTKEY EDITOR - was not working correctly for some Non-US region settings. Made it always use Invariant Culture on this screen
FIXED - HOTKEYS - Expression Editor for Accounts did not have auto complete working
FIXED - HOTKEYS - caused some accounts to stop getting automatic updates after the hotkey was executed
FIXED - HTTP API - GetLinkedSymbol returned an error if no symbol was set
FIXED - LEVEL II - Field/Label sizing and positioning on the Level I quote
FIXED - LEVEL II - Removed "Send Order" keyboard shortcut - not relevant to Level II window
FIXED - NEWS WINDOW - Per Symbol view was slow to show headlines in some situations
FIXED - NEWS WINDOW - if copying the SYMBOL column, made it exclude empty values and de-dupe
FIXED - PAINTBAR/SCAN Editor - Restricted use of reserved words for variables
FIXED - PAINTBARS/SCANS - Some issues with Adding State code
FIXED - PORTFOLIOS - If Filter scan is running and you delete a symbol, was going to next symbol in portfolio even if hidden
FIXED - PORTFOLIOS - If dragging symbols from one section to another, any collapsed sections got opened
FIXED - PORTFOLIOS - Scan progress would get stuck if symbols were removed from portfolio during the initial phase of the scan startup
FIXED - PORTFOLIOS - many alerts triggering at the same time caused undue load
FIXED - QUOTES - If quote limit exceeded and then corrected, some symbols were not getting quotes until restart.
FIXED - SCANS - Sometimes got stuck in the initial phase (backfilling/starting)
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - BINANCE US - Symbol Lookup was not working
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - FIDELITY - Login was extremely slow due to unnecessary waiting for a page load
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - GTD date handling caused error
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - Handling of ECBOT and NYMEX exchange symbols - changed to CBOT and COMEX
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - INTERACTIVE BROKERS - Handling of GLOBEX exchange symbols - changed to CME
FIXED - SITE CONFIG - OTC MARKETS - News story display for SEC stories not working