

Sharing Content


You can share almost every Medved Trader window using various methods and on a variety of social platforms.
In the right-click menu on most Medved Trader windows, there is a Share_Menu option. Clicking on it will bring up a share window.




It allows you to share the content of the window using various methods. Depending on the window, the content may be an image or text (for example, a Portfolio window may be represented either as text or as an image).



Copy the content to the clipboard so you can paste it somewhere else (such as a Word document, an email,  or a Facebook post).

Save File

Save the content to a user-specified file.


Send the content in email to someone. Allows you to add Subject, Addressee and a Message.


Send the content in an SMS message to someone. Note that to specify the recipient, you have to provide both the phone number and the telecom company that services the number. The SMS sending utilizes the email-to-SMS gateways. You can add a Message to the content before sending.


Tweet the content to a Twitter account. The first time Medved Trader will make you log into your Twitter account in order to authorize it.


Post the content on your StockTwits accont. The first time Medved Trader will make you log into your StockTwits account in order to authorize it.


The Quick Share option allows you to specify a particular sharing configuration and later use it, bypassing this share window, by pressing key-ctrlkey-shiftkey-S on your keyboard.