This will allow the hotkey to modify the price of the order under the mouse (applies to Charts/DOM, doesn't apply to LevelII or Trade Ticket windows)
The NewPrice and NewQty can be an absolute, an offset (like +0.1 or -0.2%) or a conditional expression like the one above. The hotkey example modifies the order price by adding 0.5% if it is a buy or subtracting 0.5% if it is a sell. It will modify all legs of the order if it is a conditional order.
You can use additional following variables in expressions here:
OrderPrice - the price of the order being modified
OrderQty - the quantity on the order being modified
OrderIsBuy - true/false - for the order being modified
OrderIsSell - true/false - for the order being modified
CurrentTIF - the TIF (Time in Force) on the order being modified
CurrentSpInst - the Special Instructions for the order being modified